Monday, 15 December 2014

12-12-2014 Golden Lion Show and other news

With a early load in of 7:45 we were the first band there with all the gear guitar amp a bassist myself and guitar and bass but no drummer (he turned up eventually he got lost LOL) with only two bands on the set the boys from Black Bloc stepped in to do a short set of anarchic punk kicking off with Anti-nowhere leagues "So What"!!! mixing in originals and ending the set with sarin taking the vocals on SLF classic Alternative Ulster (which we covered but dedicated to them :-) ) we set up our gear and we got a lend of all out attacks bass amp we nearly ended up borrowing black blocs guitar amp to use as a bass amp we might have blown it if we did!. With a cheap karaoke microphone a really good PA system to use and the bars own HI FI speakers used for the bad and drunken karaoke singers for the sound we kicked off our set with stepping stone with feedback squealing from the mics we pushed on going through our set, until the microphone stand got tired and collapsed looks like my gaffer tape on the floor keeping the stand up didn't work sadly. we finished the set with a cover of house of the rising sun our own way which got the punters of jarrow looking confused bewildered and more drunk.

All out Attack took to the stage which now looked very crowded considering the stage is quite big they kicked off their set of originals and adding a Motorhead "class no class" they were loud and the PA some how managed to take the sound well but they were pulled it off well,

Spitfire Bullets
Black Bloc

All Out Attack


i have been working on a side project blog called LOUDMOUTH  >
the blog will be a monthly update on reviews local bands and whats on
I already kicked off the site with a blog review of Collisions EP released this year and it seemed to go off well so this january you can see a full page of local bands, reviews and local gigs and who to check out so keep your eyes open.

Monday, 1 December 2014

Up coming GIG Golden Lion Jarrow 12-12-2014

so with one week to go we will be down at Jarrow blasting out some fast Punk Rock fun of our usual set list of covers and originals in a supporting slot for the headlining Group "All Out Attack"

we're gonna get some rehearsals down in the Bunker and do a bit maintenance to our gear before the day comes, cause we don't want a G string snapping or an amplifier Blowing.

in other news Rob has been creating a new blog site called Loudmouth for reviews and news on punk and alternative bands you can check it out here >>>

thats all for now folks!!