Monday, 20 October 2014

8 simple rules to play on a backline

I saw this on a forum and i think every band can relate to this not just us but every band that has either lends or shares their gear to other bands, luckily we have never had any of our gear broken, damaged or stolen
all we ask is you to look after it and respect it and we will respect you

Dear band members who aren’t playing on their own back line.

The last couple of years we shared our backline A LOT. We actually don’t mind doing so
Often we are happy about it, but we don’t mind. The reason why we are not always
Happy about it is because some unwritten rules of playing on someone else’s backline are (too) often broken.

These rules are very simple and based on common sense and respect.

1.You break you pay! – Sorry man, but you broke it and we were already kind enough to lend you our gear.

2.Help (un)loading the van – The backline owners probably had to leave work early to get the gear you need to the venue. They will also have to unload all the stuff late at night after the show.  Ask if you can help (un)loading at the venue. This will be much appreciated, as they don’t have to carry it all 4 times in one evening/night.

3.Plug in correctly (ask how when in doubt)! – Or else things will get broken… just ask. Please

4.If you want to move stuff, do so carefully and with respect – seriously? Do we even need to explain this?

5.Ask if you can use the backline – Ask the band a couple days before the show if you can use a cab, drum, complete backline, … it’s common courtesy.

6.Stay and watch the band play. – Okay, this isn’t always possible, you may have another show, you may be sick, or you may have another good excuse. But not doing so because you don’t feel like it? Come on, that’s a bit pretentious, no? Without the backline you probably weren’t even able to play the show and everybody needs the support.

7.Respect the gear. – Don’t put beer on the cabs. Don’t stand on the bass drum (no matter how cool you think it makes you look), don’t trash any guitars on the backline … COME ON! Seriously bring your own stuff if you want to do this!

8.Say “thank you” – Sounds obvious, but those two words tell the guys that you do really appreciate that you could play on the backline. Another magic trick to really show your appreciation: offer them a beer (or any other liquid they prefer)


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