Monday 17 August 2015

Acoustic solo supporting Logoz 8th August ashington

well i haven't had time to blog but here it is finally.

a few weeks back i played my very first acoustic solo supporting Logoz for me not gigging for a while it was a breath of fresh air.

soon i arrived early after looking for a car park space i caught the boys of logoz setting up the amps
and guitars, all i had to do was put in a battery and tune up my 40 year old acoustic praying the thing
wouldn't break during the set.

after about a hours hanging about it came to 8:15 and for my time to shine,

though feeling nervous, i didn't have the time to think about it i was more worried about the guitar dying, i kicked off the set with Ramones rock away beach then sliding in to 5th gear with cretin hop a personal favourite song of mine (as you can tell the whole set was mainly Ramones) while playing 4 original spitfire bullets songs for the first time acoustically, everything seemed to just go perfect, the full 20 min set ended with not a Ramones cover but a misfits track!! Astro Zombies which am sure shocked Peesh when i played it.

Peesh took over on stage with his personal solo acoustic set from his acoustic calendar challenge
these songs are just great to listen to, even performing his own version of only fools and horses hooky street track before slipping in a cover of the minder theme tune. all in all the whole set was great, the crowd was enjoying it the drink was flowing and the main band logoz hadn't even kicked off yet!

Logoz took to the stage with their amplified 100mph in your face punk rock, blasting out the tunes nice and loud (my ears were ringing for 2 days)

soon after the show, we all had a good chat then set off home.

on the 27th you can catch Spitfire bullets playing live and loud down at the corner flag with support from guilty and scilence fiction 

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